Our overall game concept is to "Grind the World". The player will be presented to different items and a grater. They are not told to specifically grind the items, there is always the possibility to quit or refuse to grind (freedom). The items are very common household grocery items in the beginning, i.e. an onion or a banana but later on they progress to more uncommon items such as a puppy and a baby. This is where the player has to reflect on whether grinding a puppy is worth it to continue (and possibly win) the game. This game refers to the common dilemma of mindless playing, especially in very young people participating in graphic shooting games etc. Does the player reflect on what is being grinded or is it just a game and therefore okay to grind a baby?

This game was inspired by the artwork "Shredding of onions" from 1995. Here two women are shredding onions while crying. No one forced them to do this, which is the same in our gameplay - Giving the player the freedom to choose their actions.

We are trying to introduce more ethical gaming so to say. Gaming where the experience does not end as the game is quit, but where the player will reflect on their actions after ended gameplay. The game is not the standard aesthetic game but is made to provoke feelings with added sound effects and visuals just as an artwork can be re-experienced through discussions with co-experiencers and others in your network.

Team members

Mikkel Ugilt (Game programmer) - Computer Science at Aarhus University.

Kostya Milkevich (Game programmer) - Computer Science at Aarhus University. 

Victoria Elle Bache (Designer and artist) - IT Product Development at Aarhus University. 

Updated 8 days ago
Published 9 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux, HTML5


GrindTheWorld.x86_64 66 MB
GrindTheWorld.exe 73 MB

Development log

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